Justin Bieber says sorry for cancelling his Purpose world tour

The 23-year-old announced that he was canceling his remaining 14 tour dates ‘due to unforeseen circumstances’ on Monday.
Justin Bieber says sorry for cancelling his Purpose world tour

And TMZ has now managed to get hold of a video in which Justin hints that the strain of being on tour for two years became too much for Biebs to handle.
In the video, he says: ‘Everything’s fine. I’ve been on tour for two years. I love you guys. I think you guys are awesome. Sorry for anybody who feels disappointed or betrayed, it’s not my heart or anything. Have a blessed day.’
It”s believed Bieber will now take some time out to relax and rest up following his grueling touring.
A statement posted on Justin’s website on Monday read: ‘Due to unforeseen circumstances, Justin Bieber will cancel the remainder of the Purpose World Tour concerts.
‘Justin loves his fans and hates to disappoint them. He thanks his fans for the incredible experience of the Purpose World Tour over last 18 months.
‘He is grateful and honored to have shared that experience with his cast and crew for over 150 successful shows across 6 continents during this run. However, after careful consideration, he has decided he will not be performing any further dates. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase.’
The world tour started on March 9 in Seattle and he only had 14 dates left Texas, Denver and the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.
Justin’s manager Scooter Braun took to Instagram to express his support of Bieber’s decision.
The 36-year-old wrote: ‘An incredible run. Congrats to @justinbieber on an incredible tour and thank you to the entire cast and crew for your unending support. To the promoters who believed around the world thank you.
‘To the fans from all over the world who took part over the last 16 months over 6 continents thank you. To Justin who gave it his all night after night thank you. And to those that won’t be able to see it … on behalf of myself, Justin and the team, we are sorry.


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